Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
David Meanix
Why i found them interesting is because for some reason the disturbed me and caught my eye. there is something about all the picture that makes them image stand out in a way that made me think about what the person that was tour apart was thinking. if you look at all the peoples' eyes, except for the first one, they all have the same straight expression which makes me think that they are all torn apart inside and that is why they ere selected to be torn apart on the outside. this way they show there actual feelings. about the first image, i feel as if the person wants to be hidden away from the preying eyes that seem to judge everything. thats why i think he chose her.. to show that other people are afraid of being seen.
in a way i like his work and in a way i dont. i like it because it makes me think about why he would want to tear all those people up. like what gave him the idea to just rip apart a persons' face and put it back together like a puzzle piece. in another way, the peoples eyes and other images bother me. like they are tooo deep or something.
5.) loosing the love of my life
4.) trusting people with secrets
3.) depending on people
2.) loosing all my family
1.) being alone all my life
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Mermake: True love story
Mermake: The story finally out in the open.
For the first time in history, I was able to develop a story that no one else was able to for a newspaper edition. Mia, the first Mermake of her kind, and the last one. Below the article is pictures from her past to currently. Here is the article the world has been waiting for since One Eye Moody, the evil scientist, trial went on.
As you all know, mermaid's have been around for ages. recently learning how to survive on land, they were able to live among us humans peacefully and without a single trace a worried that something bad was going to happen to them. Mia, being the youngest of the Thomas family(4 years old), was walking along the side of the ocean one day, as usual, when another four year old named Rob came up and started to ask her questions. Being overly persistent, Rob just wouldn't leave Mia alone and all she wanted to do was have her peaceful walk before having to go back in. Finally, she answered his question, which lead down a path of fifty more. When she couldn't take anymore question, she came up with the excuse that she had to go back home now, and before a single goodbye go be said, she jumped into the ocean and swam away.
The next day, when she went for her walk, Rob was right there waiting for her with a ton of more questions that peppered her brain and gave her a headache. but there was something about this kid, probably his persistent attitude, that caught her attention and made her like him. They grew into a routine where they would meet at the same point of the beach everyday at three o'clock and just talk, and their friendship grew. One day, inviting her to come to his home to play with his toys, Mia agreed and went to tell her parents. when they were finally back together, Rob walked Mia to his house that was right on the edge of the beach. looking up at the house, Mia saw some creepy looking dude that was staring through the slit in the current and watch them the entire time they played. Finally telling rob about her uneasiness, Rob explained that it was just his father. Feeling reassurance, Rob left Mia to grab more toys out of his room. while he was gone, Mia walked over to the fence and watch the current go in and out. with her back turned to the house, she didn't see his father, a.k.a Mad Eye Moody, walking towards her with a gag and a bag to throw over her head. Next thing she knew, she was knocked unconscious and dragged away.
When Rob came back, he thought that Mia had just abandoned him and didn't know what to think. walking with his head down into the house, he trudged a path of sand up to his room and locked himself in there for the rest of the night. Down in the basement, his father was going insane, but yet had the right mind to hook mia up to the new water generator. while Mia was unconscious, he sawed off her arm in a hasty attempt to make a new species. Attaching a snake tail where her arm use to be, he left her to wake up on her own, and went to bed, without a trace of guilt to what he did to this poor little girl.
In the morning morning when rob woke up, he slowly walked to the kitchen, feeling as though his one true friend had abandoned him. when pouring himself a bowl of cereal, he heard the faintest attempts of screams coming from the basement door. Not having any idea of what it could be, and deciding not to wake up his father, he slowly crept down the stairs, to find Mia strapped down to the examine table with a snake tail arm. Releasing her, he watched in disbelief as the tried to move the snake tail that was in the place of her arm. reaching for the basement phone, he didn't even have to guess who did this to her, and he called the cops to come here and arrest his father.
when his the police finally came to his house, they found evidence of Mia blood in the nail beds of the father.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Combined Animals From Website
In the photos above, I think that the tools used would have to be color adjustments to help them have similar contrasts and possibly i think the used the blur tool to make them blend easier. the dodge and burn tool too possibly. but there could be tools that I don't know of personally that they could have used
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Frandy Jean Haitian Painter
What I learned today about Haiti was about their social rank and their president term. For the social rank, the higher you live on the hill, the richer you are so you would want to be at the top. About the president terms, there could be more than twenty people running for president, where as here we only primarily vote for two. There, they don't narrow it down like we do, and the president has five years in office.
I also learned that Frandy inspiration for the jewelry came from the earth quake that brought devastation to his people. He makes all his jewelry out of recycled paper and I find that very interesting.
I also learned that Frandy inspiration for the jewelry came from the earth quake that brought devastation to his people. He makes all his jewelry out of recycled paper and I find that very interesting.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
throughout this process, I used multiple tools to help make this model look like a cartoon. First I used the black and white tool under image adjustments to match the other photo even in the color. then I went under filter and hit poster tools to adjust the texture. when i was finishing adjusting it, i use the blur tool to make the appearance of the skin look plastic like. and that is how i transformed my figure to look cartoonish.

Photo before editing
Photo after editing.
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